Healthy Start
310 – 421 Mulvey Avenue East, Winnipeg, MB R3L 0R6
- Community based health, nutrition, and parenting outreach program for pregnant women and parents with children up to one year of age.
- The focus population is expectant mothers and teens, new mothers and their partners who experience the risks and barriers of poverty and other social factors. All are welcome. No wait lists.
- There is no cost to the program. Individuals can register themselves at one of 9 sites around the city or by calling the office at 204.949.5350.
- One-on-one support is offered. Public health nurses are involved.
- Downtown area groups held at: Magnus Eliason Recreation Centre, Freight House, St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Wolseley
- Classes for newcomers to Canada at Freight House. Interpreters available in many languages.