Play inspiration & Resources
We all need some inspiration from time to time. Whether you are a parent/caregiver, early childhood educator, or work with young children, you will find a variety of resources to inspire you here.
This page is under constant development, so please check back regularly. If there is something you came looking for and didn’t find, please let us know.
Sensory Walks (a little bit about the importance of broad sensory experiences in the early years and why outdoor play is superior for sensory learning…) (video)
Exploring Spiderwebs – Wunderled
Scavenger Hunts – something that can be done any season, but spring is especially fun as the melting snow and new growth means you can use the same hunt and find something a little different each day. OG_SpringAdventureGoals_Osprey (cmasset-prod.azureedge.net)
Outside Play Today (youtube.com) Note: this is a member of the C4F Team reading the book aloud. If you live and work in downtown Winnipeg and would like a physical copy of this book for yourself or numerous copies for families you work with, please contact us.
English posters – ActivePlay.ca for Early Childhood Educators (ECEs)
7 Ways to Help Your Kids Overcome Their Fear of Insects – Get the Kids Outside
Create a Backyard Sanctuary for Kids with Disabilities | CHILD Mags
How to Create Highly Effective Invitations to Play: A Step-by-Step Guide – Wunderled