Dufferin School

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  3. Dufferin School
545 Alexander Ave., Centennial R3A 0P1
Phone Number: 204.774.3409

We welcome students from Nursery/Kindergarten to Grade 6

We have the following programs at Dufferin School:

  • Specialized programming
  • Equity centered classrooms
  • Nutrition program
  • Lunch program
  • After school Education Support programs
  • Freight House & Kid Glove Daycare
  • Dufferin School-Aged Daycare
  • Sports program
  • Art, Music, and Physical Ed. program
  • Fiddle jig program
  • Learning Through the Arts program
  • WSO Partnership
  • Media Arts and Technology
  • Public Library Partnership
  • Resource Program
  • Early Childhood Language Centre
  • Primary Language Centre
  • Parent/Child Family Centre

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