Dreams and Realities 2017

This survey was commissioned by Communities 4 Families to obtain information in regards to programs that currently exist, seek out the gaps, and learn about emerging issues that downtown families with children ages 0-6 are facing. With the information gathered we hope to bring more awareness to the needs in downtown Winnipeg and thus inform our funding and granting directions.

Communities 4 Families (C4F) is a partnership of organizations, agencies and community members that work together to support families living in downtown Winnipeg. C4F is funded by Healthy Child Manitoba. Our members work across departments and sectors to facilitate a community development approach for the well-being of Manitoba’s children, families and communities. Communities 4 Families believes in supporting healthy and active families, focusing especially on the preschool years.

Family Challenges in Downtown Winnipeg – 2010
Over the last year, Communities 4 Families (Downtown Parent-Child Coalition) has been talking to parents and service providers in the downtown about challenges families face and the potential solutions that exist. Group consultations were held at parent organizations around the downtown to ask parents about the challenges they experience and their ideas for solving them. Service providers and academics were consulted, along with recent literature, looking for the best and most recent ideas that address the parents’ concerns.

Common themes coming out of those consultations, along with the recommendations from the reports and service providers, have been compiled into this report. A bibliography with all of the studies used in this report is provided. The reports are all local, and most were published within the last two or three years.

Not only does this report present a snap shot of the current challenges downtown parents are facing, but it also brings together some of the most recent ideas for solving them. We hope this report will be a tool for governments and community organizations in their efforts to improve the lives of downtown parents and families.

Family Challenges in Downtown Winnipeg – Presentation
See a brief summary of this research.

The Impact of Stress on Parenting in Winnipeg’s Downtown – June 2008 Summary
Executive summary of research conducted in Downtown Winnipeg regarding the stressors faced by parents living in the Downtown and the ways they cope with these stressors.

The Impact of Stress on Parenting in Winnipeg’s Downtown – C4F Final Research Report June 2008
View the entire report on our research into the stresses faced by Downtown parents in Winnipeg.

Community Profile and Report on the Healthy Development of
Children in the Downtown Community of WinnipegEni – 2003 report
2003 Summary