Learn more: Intro to Outdoor Play video, Land Acknowledgement, Why play outside? Dressing for the Weather, Program Planning, Outdoor Play Bank

Building our own collection of outdoor play information and experiences could not be done without the help from websites, partnerships, fellow Winnipeg organizations, and workshops. Below, we have provided some of the resources, we have found useful, that support Outdoor Play facilitators and participants.

Promoting Outdoor Play in Canada:

OutsidePlay.ca website reads, “helping parents, caregivers, and educators gain the confidence and skills to support children’s outdoor play”. A great resource for learning about the benefits of risky play and how to discuss them with parents.

Outdoor Play Canada is a collection of organizations working together to strengthen the outdoor play movement across Canada. The website has a wealth of links, resources, and documents that promote outdoor play and any possible programs you may be running.

Child Encyclopedia: Outdoor Play Website and Article both great resources with many studies supporting the benefits and necessity for outdoor play among children.

Canadian Child Care Federation is an Ontario based resource that shares information through webinars and articles on outdoor play.

Child and Nature Alliance of Canada cultivates meaningful connections with children and the outdoors. They believe all children should have access to opportunities to play in meadows, puddles, and mud.


Accessing Warm Winter Gear in Winnipeg

Communities 4 Families has shared contact information for organizations and agencies that collect and distribute warm winter clothing throughout Winnipeg’s winters in the Downtown Area. The information below is as of Spring 2021.