About Communities 4 Families

Learn more: Our History, Our Staff, Partners, Meeting Minutes, Coalition Membership

Who We Are

Communities 4 Families (C4F) is a partnership of organizations, agencies and community members that work together to support families living in downtown Winnipeg. C4F is funded by Manitoba’s Child and Youth Services, Department of Families. Our members work across departments and sectors to facilitate a community development approach for the well being of Manitoba’s children, families and communities. Communities 4 Families believes in supporting healthy and active families, focusing especially on the preschool years.

C4F has 4 primary goals:

Parefamily playing in the parknting and Family Support – activities to support and enhance parents’ ability to nurture the healthy development of their children.

Healthy Lifestyles
– activities to promote good nutrition and healthy lifestyles through education, community supports, recreation and skills training.

– activities to support the learning success of children by improving family literacy and numeracy.

Community Capacity Building
– activities to support community capacity through leadership opportunities, volunteering and community service, community economic development, and civic engagement.

This statement acknowledges the decades of support Communities 4 Families  has provided Winnipeg’s downtown community.  We are pleased that our work and its impact is now on record at the Manitoba Legislature.  Of the programs mentioned, some have been developed and are owned by C4F, and others are registered programs delivered by our trained facilitators.